Legal Notice

This page shows the inform­a­tion about this web­site that has to be provided in accord­ance with Ger­man law, viz Telemedi­enge­setz (TMG) and Rund­funk­staats­ver­trag (RStV).

Information in accordance with §5 TMG

Mar­tin Gude
Exper­i­ence Strategist and Product Man­ager
Post­box 46287X
11516 Ber­lin

eMail: Spampro­tec­ted E‑Mail: 139bfmf906@m7248efa9d11b15crbdbc8tcb128b95i56a55n‑g38cude.9a0118e4c9ca3a22offbm4817a930

Person responsible for content in accordance with §55 clause 2 RStV

Mar­tin Gude (Con­tact as stated above) 


Contents of the website

The con­tents of this web­site were writ­ten with due dili­gence and by the author’s best know­ledge. We can be held liable only by gen­er­al laws, espe­cially for our own con­tents acc. § 7 TMG and for extern­al con­tents acc. §§ 8 – 10 TMG. As a Pro­vider of tele media we can be held liable for extern­al con­tents only once we have know­ledge of a con­crete infringe­ment of law. We reserve the right to change or delete con­tents of this webpage which are not sub­ject to any con­trac­tu­al obligation. 

Links on external Websites

Con­tents of extern­al web­sites on which we are link­ing dir­ect or indir­ect (through „hyper­links“ or „deeplinks“) are bey­ond our respons­ib­il­ity and are not adop­ted as our own con­tent. When the links were pub­lished, we didn’t have know­ledge of any illeg­al activ­it­ies or con­tents on these web­sites. Since we do not have any con­trol on the con­tents of these web­sites, we dis­tance ourselves from all con­tents of all linked web­sites, which were updated after the set­ting of the links. For all con­tents and espe­cially dam­ages, res­ult­ing of the use of the linked web­sites, only the pro­vider of these linked web­sites can be held liable. If we receive know­ledge of illeg­al con­tents on these linked web­sites, we will delete the accord­ing links. 

Intellectual property rights

All con­tent of this web­site, espe­cially texts, pic­tures, images, graph­ic­al present­a­tions, music, trade­marks, brands and so forth, are sub­ject to copy­right laws. The use, repro­duc­tion and so on are sub­ject to the indi­vidu­al rights of the respect­ive own­er of the copy­right or admin­is­trat­or of these rights. If you want to use such con­tent, please let us know and we will estab­lish con­tact with the respect­ive owner/administrator.


Creative Commons License

Unless stated oth­er­wise, the work cre­ated by us is licensed under a Cre­at­ive Com­mons Attri­bu­tion-Non­Com­mer­cial-ShareAlike 3.0 Ger­many License.

Dis­claim­er by law office Lachen­mann