Product Owner — The Place for UX?

22 May 2014 0 Comments , , , Estimated reading time: 2 minutes read

This week I have atten­ded a Pro­fes­sion­al Scrum Product Own­er class in Essen. Even though I really like the agile idea, I’ve always struggled with it from an User Exper­i­ence point of view. 

This mainly derives from the prob­lem that — in my opin­ion — the devel­op­ment of a design rationale is a really import­ant task that has to take place at the begin­ning of a pro­ject. And this task is quite hard to spit into parts. 

But hey, I was talk­ing about the PSPO class. The class was held by Mar­tin Mandis­cher who did a really great job in these two days. After the class, I still agree with Stefan who had a really great ses­sion on last years UXcamp Europe, that the Product Own­er is the per­fect role for a Seni­or UX per­son in a pro­ject. But there’s so much that has to hap­pen upfront before the first line of code should be written. 

In gen­er­al, I think that I would replace the fine spec with a scrum pro­cess but the basic concept that lays out the under­ly­ing found­a­tions, defines the strategy and builds up the design rationale should not be replaced by any agile frame­work. But I’ll still have to think about how to marry UX (or even more hol­ist­ic — CX) as a stra­tegic play­ground to a more detail driv­en thing like agile frame­works. Some of you might know that I even thought about doing a PhD on this subject. 

Thanks to Tan­ja’s awe­some sketch­ing ses­sion at #UXCGN9 at Pixel­park, I did my first sketch­notes on this train­ing — and hey here they are. 

Professional Scrum Product Owner - Sketchnote by @ma6

You can down­load a print­able ver­sion (PDF) of the sketchnotes. 

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