Product Owner — The Place for UX?
22 May 2014 — 0 Comments — — Estimated reading time: 2 minutes read
This week I have attended a Professional Scrum Product Owner class in Essen. Even though I really like the agile idea, I’ve always struggled with it from an User Experience point of view.
This mainly derives from the problem that — in my opinion — the development of a design rationale is a really important task that has to take place at the beginning of a project. And this task is quite hard to spit into parts.
But hey, I was talking about the PSPO class. The class was held by Martin Mandischer who did a really great job in these two days. After the class, I still agree with Stefan who had a really great session on last years UXcamp Europe, that the Product Owner is the perfect role for a Senior UX person in a project. But there’s so much that has to happen upfront before the first line of code should be written.
In general, I think that I would replace the fine spec with a scrum process but the basic concept that lays out the underlying foundations, defines the strategy and builds up the design rationale should not be replaced by any agile framework. But I’ll still have to think about how to marry UX (or even more holistic — CX) as a strategic playground to a more detail driven thing like agile frameworks. Some of you might know that I even thought about doing a PhD on this subject.
Thanks to Tanja’s awesome sketching session at #UXCGN9 at Pixelpark, I did my first sketchnotes on this training — and hey here they are.
You can download a printable version (PDF) of the sketchnotes.
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