Cleaning up my tuckerbag
17 Nov 2013 — 0 Comments — — Estimated reading time: 3 minutes read
From time to time, I clean up my Facebook friends list. Facebook — to me — is primarily a private communication means. Business communication happens elsewhere — i.e. LinkedIn, twitter or XING. Google+ could also become some business tool. But I still don’t use it too intensely. It’s been a while since I’ve done my cleanup the last time, but hey…
So how do I clean up my friends list. First question I ask myself is for sure »Who is it?«. If I can’t answer that the contact is likely to be deleted. And that even if it could have been a close friend who just used some kind of pseudonymic name. I’m not against pseudonyms, but I want to know who I am communicating with. I especially hate pseudonyms like Li Sa. How the hell should I know which Lisa they are? I also use pseudonyms — I’ve been using my two pseudonyms for more than ten respectively more than five years. If I don’t remember who belongs to the pseudonym they won’t pass the barrier.
BTW: using some pseudonym for Facebook does not help with privacy issues with Facebook themselves. They will be able to identify you. The data mining they do — from a technical perspective — is likely to be awesome. Why? Just because it’s their business model. If you don’t want to be targeted and identified by Facebook, don’t use it at all. But that is also the case for products of any other player. Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and any other build their business model on targeting their customers as good as possible.
Next barrier is: Would I know about what to talk with them when meeting them in meatspace? Am I interested in meeting them in real life? If not: arrivederci.
Last barrier is: do I want them to know what I am talking about on the platform? If not: you can imagine…
And anyone adding me as a friend should pass all those barriers, too.
But why do I do that? I want less noise on Facebook. I don’t want to block app requests. I want to know what my friends are doing. And I don’t want everyone in my network to know what I am thinking. I want to refocus Facebook on friends.
I tried to accomplish all that by using lists and all that Facebook privacy stuff, but all I created with that was a big murp. It became too complicated to manage besides. So I decided rather to delete friends than organizing them in groups I won’t understand later on.
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