Let’s play Sesame Street

28 Apr 2014 0 Comments , , Estimated reading time: 1 minute read

It’s been a rather long time that i did this talk at #UXCGN8 at Imper­ia. But as the next heat will take place tomor­row at Pixel­park, it’s about time to blog about it. 

So basic­ally my talk was called »Let’s play Ses­ame Street«. It mainly addressed the neces­sity of ask­ing ques­tions dur­ing a design pro­cess. It was based on two great talks by Steve Portigal and Bill DeRouchey I heard down under at Melbs two years ago. And for sure Steve’s great book »Inter­view­ing Users«. I’d totally recom­mend read­ing this book. 

In the first part I talked about the envir­on­ment and how we learn about it. After that I got to some basic rules when doing research and described the import­ance of the ques­tion »Why« in that phase. 

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