XING — My Legacy Profile

04 Aug 2014 0 Comments , , , Estimated reading time: 2 minutes read

I used to love XING. Some years ago it was my primary place for busi­ness related inter­ac­tion. I used to vis­it XING more than twice a day. I used to pay for the premi­um account nearly all 9 years I’ve had my account. 

At least since I’ve been down under, Linked­In has replaced XING as my primary means for busi­ness com­mu­nic­a­tion. Primar­ily, because Linked­In is not lim­ited to the Ger­man mar­ket but is avail­able world­wide. Hence, I can keep in touch with my busi­ness con­tacts in Straya, the US, Europe (…) and thus also in Ger­many. And whilst using Linked­In, I real­ized that a use­ful busi­ness plat­form exists that does not charge heaps of money for send­ing mes­sages and see­ing »Who’s vis­ited your pro­file«. I get all the fea­tures from the XING premi­um ver­sion for free with Linked­In. And addi­tion­ally, more inter­est­ing dis­cus­sions (cer­tainly facing towards my pro­fes­sion) hap­pen over at there. Fun­nily, even Face­book became a more import­ant biz plat­form than XING. Hence, nowadays I vis­it XING only once a month and it’s more or less this fre­quency that I review my mes­sages over there. 

About two years ago, I thought that XING hav­ing mono­lin­gual pro­files is a draw­back. This has revised since I stopped to main­tain my Ger­man lan­guage doc­u­ments like CV and Folio. Thus I also switched my XING pro­file to Eng­lish and the Ger­man Linked­In pro­file remained there. I think, one day I’ll switch the Ger­man Linked­In pro­file off. 

In the mean­time, I’ve had more oppor­tun­it­ies com­ing from Linked­In than com­ing from XING. And addi­tion­ally, most inter­est­ing oppor­tun­it­ies source from Linked­In and not from XING

So, as a con­clu­sion, if you want to con­tact me, the easi­est way is to drop me an email or give me a phone call. If you wanna con­nect with me on a net­work­ing plat­form, Linked­In or Face­book will be the best choice. 

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